February 16, 2010


Few things......

Yes, I am still in a funk, but change is coming and that will be good for all involved, I hope!

Make plans to hit Snakebite's Bike Swap. FAB will have a booth there and you will see me and the famous Hooterville Mayor watching guard over it. If you want to renew your FAB membership we can take care of that or if you want to join FAB for the first time, we can take care of that also! GREAT THINGS are a happening with FAB so don't miss out!

Social networking with FAB! Yup, FAB is on Twitter (Club_FAB) and Facebook (Falls Area Bicyclists 2.0 (FAB))!

Follow this guy and donate to his cause or sign up for one of his ride along-s via bike trainer, info here! It will be fun to follow Mike Dunlap during RAAM. I wish him and his crew much luck!

Have you heard of F.A.S.T. (Falls Area Single Track)? Well, here is some info as to what they are all about. F.A.S.T. along with FAB are helping to grow cycling in Sioux Falls and if you are not a part of it, you should be!

Do we have cyclist working at the state level trying to make the roads safe for all of us? Heck, yes we do! South Dakota Bicycle Coalition is making that happen! Find out what they have been up to and see how you can help!

Hope you have a good Monday....well, as good as Mondays can be, that is...........


Unknown said...

We now know the cure for a funk is a balloon hat! Hope things are looking rosier! We must do some picturizing soon - but I'm so sick of taking pictures of snow. I guess I need a balloon hat too!

April said...

Yes, I have heard of F.A.S.T. Did you attend the meeting at the end of the month? I didn't make it. This would mean a great improvement in our neighborhood.

I don't know if you live in the Whittier Neighborhood or not or if want to join the facebook group, but we have discussion space available for the Single Track on our group page. Look for The Whittier Neighborhood Association on facebook.