This coming Wednesday will be my last day at my current job, Steeler Door and Hardware (SDH). It is with mixed feelings that I am leaving there after 12 years. Steeler will be totally closing their doors in a couple more weeks.
So, one door closes and others open, is how I look at it. In fact I had three doors and possibly four doors that had been opened or at least someone was knocking! One door would have required a move, which was not an option at all. One door would have allowed working from home, not sure I am totally disciplined enough to do that and I would maybe come to hate the den because it would mean association with work. One door was not offered but they showed REAL interest and I think if I had not already totally committed to the door that is staying open, I would have had another offer.
Now, on to the door that I am going to walk through, March 1st. I will be starting at Builders Supply Company (BSC) here in Sioux Falls. It will be exciting to learn something new and fresh, yet it will be similar work to what I was doing at SDH. I also know the people working there, so it is not like totally starting a new job with new faces, although some will be. It will be a comfort level that I have never had, starting a new job, that is for sure.
I was informed they are working on my new office. Yes, I will have a real office with walls and a door not a cubicle! I did inform them that they better not paint the walls pink. I again was informed that they were looking more at going with the Ozzie-Black Sabbath look.....huh? hahaha.
The bantering has already begun, which is always good!