January 4, 2008

Dog update

I have had a lot of people ask about the dog that was hit by the car last week. I had not seen the neighbors outside to ask them how it was doing but over my VERY late lunch today I got the update. They ended up putting it down. I guess the hip area was messed up along with broken ribs and other injuries guessing internal organ issues. It is a sad thing. The owner said when they went in to have the dog put to sleep you could see the red area across its ribs where there car ran over him. The dog was 8 year old white poodle. The other dog that was running with the dog that was hit has been really confused and scared to go outside. I am sure it was traumatic for it also. The good news is the white poodle is now well and not in pain......the other good news is the owners chin is healing and she didn't need stitches.

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