February 8, 2009

We passed!

It is official, we passed! A few FAB members, Cassie, the kErnEl, Dr Dope, Hooterville Mayor, me, Dustin from Central Plains Cycling, one guy from the Sioux City bike club and I think four from the Spirit Lake area all took the USA Cycling Officials clinic and test from our regional USA Cycling guy with all the knowledge Larry Martin. It was a few hours of info, a skills component and then the open book test. Let's just say the test, about 1 1/2-2 hours, is not easy even though it was open book. There is a lot to learn that is for sure! Now it is finding some races to go watch and tag along with some experienced offices to get my feet wet so to speak. Sounds like a few of us might travel to a race in Sioux City March 22 to check it all out! Should be fun!


teamwelliver said...

Awesome! congrats! that's so cool that you've found a way to contribute to a sport/community that you enjoy so much. most people who don't race just sit around and watch the tour. very cool!

Tez said...
