October 6, 2008

Things I learned on vacation

1) People in WI are big into their "yard art" and I mean BIG!

2) It is ok to chase deer while riding a snowmobile?? Unfortunately I never got a picture of this but they had a Caution snowmobile sign with a Caution deer sign in front of it so it looked like it was Caution snowmobile chasing deer! Didn't know that was legal...haha

3) Don't be afraid to order Liver and Onions at a bar, you might be surprised!

4) They have happy cows in WI as most of the bi-products from the breweries go to feed the cows!

5) Not only great cheese but great beer also!

6) Women are inboards and men are outboards! (bathroom signs at the Blacksmith shop) Ok, I knew this but we had fun watching people walk up to the bathroom doors trying to figure out what they were. One poor little guy around 7-ish had to run back to his parents table, holding a specific body part, as he asked his dad if he was an inboard or outboard.

7) Loons change color in the fall from the black and white speckling to a gray color.

8) No matter how close you sit facing a bonfire your butt still gets cold!

9) Little brown bats can crawl in a hole 1" wide by 1/4" tall.

10) Red squirrels are aggressive little dudes.

11) ZYMOCENOSILICAPHOBIA is the fear of an empty beer glass.

12) No matter how many times I travel to whatever destination, I am always amazed by natures beauty.


teamwelliver said...

1. How drunk were you when you were so moved to order liver and onions at a bar?

2. Did you get to hear the lutefisk marching band?

Tez said...

Kris had maybe two beers at that point I believe. You don't like Liver and Onions?

The band made no noise but it was pretty funny!