I hope you are out there enjoying the fall weather! We saw our first snow of the year when we were out in the Black Hills last week! WooHoo! It was so pretty! We need the moisture so bad, so bring on the snow!
I do have another blog, so you can see what I have been up do lately!
October 7, 2012
Hey, there!
Posted by
August 7, 2012
August 1, 2012
Olympic gripes...........
Loving the Olympics so far, but have a few gripes.
I am tired of the reporters that keep picking at athletes after their competition.....GIVE THEM SOME ROOM to enjoy what just happened or deal with their defeat.
Enough of the cameras almost up athlete noses when they are on the medal stand and zooming in on their eyes to see if they will be emotional or not. AGAIN GIVEN THEM SOME ROOM!
Really, Ryan Seacrest?
This gripe is for my niece......no wearing of sports bras on the outside of your shirt.
The only other thing, I think each athlete should have the the respect of their nation to at least mouth their national anthem when on the medal stand. If you don't know the words LEARN THEM as this is your country that you are representing.
Posted by
June 16, 2012
Hell and back...........
Last Sunday, for brunch we went to Hell's Kitchen in Minneapolis. Let me just say that if you get a chance to eat there, you should go for it. Fun place, fun people working there and of course great food.
Needless to say I have been to Hell and back.......and no, I never saw a hand basket!
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June 5, 2012
RIP Tony.........
Last week, I read about a classmate of mine who was piloting his plane from Oregon back to Idaho after dropping off his stepsons. He never made it to Idaho. After numerous days and man hours searching, the wreckage was found and Tony didn't survive. You can read about it here.
I have to say, I was shocked by the news. I started thinking about all the fun times we had....
Working at Gurney's in the summer, weeding the flower / plant beds
Groveland Park
Night Ranger
VW Bug
Sneaking into the drive-in theater
Birthday parties at the lake / beach where his grandparents lived
And of course Tony's smile
You maybe gone, but not forgotten.
RIP, Tony...........
Posted by
April 14, 2012
Another blog was started..
Some of you might already know this, but I did start another blog just about photography.
You can check it out here.
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So.....I must be officially old! I bought a pair of readers today...yup, reading glasses. Kind of fun ones! No that is not a lighter! It is the case they fold up into...pretty slick!
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April 8, 2012
Thank you..........
I am giving a shout out to all you health care people who end up working on a holiday and for that matter everyday in a health care system.
You all make a huge difference in your patients lives! You help them get back to normal and in some ways better than they were when they needed your care. You help the families of the patients also by giving them the tools needed on how to deal with life issues by giving them strength and confidence to help their family to become whole again.
Cheers to all that you do!.....Keep up the great mission!
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